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OSX86 ça marche.
bla bla mac bla bla windaube.. quoi??? vous etes pas au courant?

Citation :OS X - Coming to a PC Near You.
Written by Mashugly
Wednesday, 10 August 2005
It was just a matter of time. Reports indicate that some individuals have made great strides in constructing a version of OS X that works on regular PC hardware, bypassing the TPM that is required. Check out this video or this screenshot. It appears that efforts to install OS X on x86 hardware are being met with different results. Those with SSE3 processors and chipsets identical to those of the Developer Transition Kits state that OS X runs with speeds comparable to the fastest Macs - even faster in some cases. Others who have installed the OS on SSE2 processors have also met with some success, although it remains unstable and significantly slower

ça marche sur intel et sur AMD.
mais c'est pas encore tout a fait ça pour l'utilisateur lamdba

Plim Ploum

Messages dans ce sujet
OSX86 ça marche. - par Ethaniel_187 - Mar. 06 Sep 2005, 17:37
[Pas de titre] - par nox - Mer. 07 Sep 2005, 19:38
[Pas de titre] - par Andrew - Mer. 07 Sep 2005, 21:56
[Pas de titre] - par fetardalyon - Jeu. 08 Sep 2005, 21:13
[Pas de titre] - par Ethaniel_187 - Jeu. 08 Sep 2005, 21:15
[Pas de titre] - par fetardalyon - Jeu. 08 Sep 2005, 21:22

Utilisateur(s) parcourant ce sujet : 1 visiteur(s)