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Planning a trip in December! Now for the research...
Moddy a écrit :I have a copy of the nexus map, and may also be getting a copy of a map from another forum with a local on. I know roughly about the "Grand Entrance", on "La Petite Seinture" - and that its quite close to the official entrance.
Wel, no, that's not that close. It's in the same district, but there's a good walk between the offical entrance and the unofficial one.

Moddy a écrit :I've also heard about "Villa du Bel Air", however - I'm not sure how much truth there is to that!
No the same kind of access : this name refers to a street where the old railroad is at street-level, so it's easy to access and walk around from there. In fact it WAS easy, because a fence has been recently added to forbid the access. Anyway from there you can just walk around on right bank, from 12th to 17th district. The access to the catacaombs is on the left bank, and isn't reachable from the 12th district (it's far, and most of the railroad sections are cut by various building sites).

Messages dans ce sujet
Re: Planning a trip in December! Now for the research... - par fdaniel - Dim. 19 Sep 2010, 21:36

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